Foreign Language – G & S

Foreign Language Department Goals and Standards

181 German I

182 German II

183 German III

184 German IV

185 Honors German I

186 Honors German II

187 Honors German III

188 Honors German IV

191 Spanish I

192 Spanish II

193 Spanish III

195 Honors Spanish I

196 Honors Spanish II

197 Honors Spanish III

198 Honors Spanish IV


STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting.

  • Understand oral communication in the target language.

  • Interact in the target language in various settings.

  • Understand written passages in the target language.

  • Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety of  purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite simple stories with numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with them target language.

  1. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

  2. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to the target language societies.

  3. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

  4. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify some cultural as well as legal differences between Germany and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will have seen German TV and video. They will recognize a map of Germany and have some understanding of the history that shaped the map.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

  1. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

  2. Use the target language to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a variety of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve simple arithmetic problems using German, and identify various professions by their German names.

Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.

German II

German III

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.

A.   Understand oral communication in the target language.

B.   Interact in the target language in various settings.

C.   Understand written passages in the target language.

D.   Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety
of purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow
and give routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite stories with spelling
and grammatical errors. Their writing and speaking will demonstrate understanding
of rules governing verbs, case, word order, relative pronouns, and adjective endings.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify cultural as well as legal differences between Germany
and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will
see some German TV and video. They will recognize a map of Germany and be able
to explain historical events that shaped the map.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve arithmetic problems
using German, and identify various professions by their German names

German IV

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting.

A.   Understand oral communication in the target language.

B.   Interact in the target language in various settings.

C.      Understand written passages in the target language.

D.   Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a
variety of purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to
follow and give routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite stories
with spelling and grammatical errors. They will be able to function in their daily
routines in German, albeit with mistakes and frequent hesitation. Their writing and
speaking will demonstrate understanding of rules governing verbs, case, word order,
relative pronouns, adjective endings, subjunctive mood, and passive voice.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify cultural as well as legal differences between Germany
and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will
see some German TV and video. They will also be able to identify some
of Germany’s architectural highlights. They will recognize a map of Germany
and be able to explain historical events that shaped the map. They will also be
cognizant of the religious history of the country and the impact that history has
on today’s culture. The students will do extensive work with articles from current
German magazines and newspapers.They will also read short stories.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A.   Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B.   Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve arithmetic problems
using German, and identify various professions by their German names. The
students will be able to identify geographic and climatic differences in the nations
of the German-speaking world.

Honors German I

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting.

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety of      purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite simple stories with spelling and grammatical errors. Their written work will demonstrate an understanding of word order, verb endings, and rules governing case.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify some cultural as well as legal differences between
Germany and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music
and will have seen German TV and video. They will recognize a map of Germany
and have some understanding of the history that shaped the map.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A.   Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B.   Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve simple arithmetic problems
using German, and identify various professions by their German names

Honors German II

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting.

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language.

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for
a variety of purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow
and give routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite stories with spelling
and grammatical errors. Their writing and speaking will demonstrate understanding
of rules governing verbs, case, word order, relative pronouns, and adjective endings.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related
to the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify cultural as well as legal differences between Germany
and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will see
some German TV and video. They will recognize a map of Germany and be able to
explain historical events that shaped the map.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a variety
of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve arithmetic problems using
German, and identify various professions by their German names

Honors German III

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.

A.   Understand oral communication in the target language.

B.   Interact in the target language in various settings.

C.   Understand written passages in the target language.

D.   Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a
variety of purposes to different  audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow and
give routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite stories with spelling and grammatical errors. They will be able to function in their daily routines in German, albeit
with mistakes and frequent hesitation. Their writing and speaking will demonstrate understanding of rules governing verbs, case, word order, relative pronouns, adjective endings, subjunctive mood, and passive voice.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to the
target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify cultural as well as legal differences between Germany and
the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will see some German TV and video. They will also be able to identify some of Germany’s architectural highlights. They will recognize a map of Germany and be able to explain historical events
that shaped the map. They will also be cognizant of the religious history of the country
and the impact that history has on today’s culture. The students will do extensive work
with articles from current German magazines and newspapers. They will also read short stories.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a variety
of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve arithmetic problems using
German, and identify various professions by their German names. The students will be
able to identify geographic and climatic differences in the nations of the German
speaking worlds.

Honors German IV

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting.

A.   Understand oral communication in the target language.

B.   Interact in the target language in various settings.

C.       Understand written passages in the target language.

D.   Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety       of purposes to different audiences.

This goal represents the primary emphasis of the class. Students are able to follow and
give routine daily commands, tell, retell, write, and rewrite stories with spelling and grammatical errors. They will be able to function in their daily routines in German, albeit
with mistakes and frequent hesitation. Their writing and speaking will demonstrate understanding of rules governing verbs, case, word order, relative pronouns, adjective endings, subjunctive mood, and passive voice. The students will also be able to make
oral reports in German on historical and current German topics with information
garnered from a variety of sources. 

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

Students are able to identify cultural as well as legal differences between Germany
and the U.S. They will work with folk, contemporary, and children’s music and will
see some German TV and video. They will also be able to identify some of Germany’s architectural highlights. They will recognize a map of Germany and be able to explain historical events that shaped the map. They will also be cognizant of the religious
history of the country and the impact that history has on today’s culture. The
students will read various works of German literature including novels, short stories,
poems, and plays.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections
and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational
and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Students will know the value of the Euro, be able to solve arithmetic problems
using German, and identify various professions by their German names and explain differences in the way people are trained for various professions. The students will
be able to identify geographic and climatic differences in the nations of the
German-speaking world.

Spanish I

Year – 1.0 credit; All Classes; No Prerequisite

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.

A.       Understand oral communication in the target language.

B.       Interact in the target language in various settings.

C.   Understand written passages in the target language.

D.   Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas
for a variety of purposes to different audience.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A.     Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B.     Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related
to the target language societies.

C.     Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D.     Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

    E.  Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce
and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines

   A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B.  Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Learner outcomes:

By the end of Spanish I, students will be able to read, write, understand and orate
with guidance in the L2: to command, to express emotion or physical state, to express
likes and dislikes, to utilize object pronouns, to utilize articles and contractions, to
communicate in the present tense, to answer and ask simple questions about personal information and present events, to express the immediate future with IR A + infinitive,
to use the personal A correctly, to describe the locations of things, to describe people,
places and things, to assess weather conditions, to express possession and to describe family.

Spanish II

Year-1.0 credit; Sophomore/Junior/Senior; Prerequisite: Spanish I

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.
A. Understand oral communication in the target languageB. Interface in the target language in various settingsC. Understand written passages in the target language.D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety
purposes to the different audience.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the
customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A.     Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.B.     Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.C.     Understand literature and various media of target language societies.D.      Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.
E.   Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce
knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

    A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B.    Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.

Learner outcomes:

By the end of Spanish II, students will be able to read, write, understand and orate
in the L2: to compare cultural differences, to command, to describe what they are
doing in progress, to shop and bargain, to assess weather conditions and describe an
action plan to deal with them, to compare people, places, things and activities, to
discuss what they like to do, discuss what they know how to do, to express possession,
to use stem changing verbs, to use a higher volume of irregular verbs, to use object
pronouns in a fuller capacity, to talk about how long they have done something, to
describe people, places and things with more detail, to describe the extended family, to describe daily routines (reflexive), to describe chores, to describe jobs in more detail, to describe a country or place and to describe past events.

Spanish III

Year – 1.0 credit; Junior/Senior; Prerequisite: Spanish II

STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.

  1. Understand oral communication in the target language

Interact in the target language in various settings.

  1. Understand written passages in the target language.

  2. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety of purposes to different audience.

STATE GOAL 29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A.     Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B.     Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to the target language societies.

C.     Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D.     Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

     E.  Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL 30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge
and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

     A.  Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

 B.      Use the target language to demon­strate knowledge and understanding of a variety
of career options.

Learner outcomes:

Students will be able to read, write, understand, and orate in the L2: to discuss historical events in the cultures of the L2, to discuss past events, to discuss health and healthy practices, to dialog with doctors, to discuss withes and desires, to discuss preferences
and recommendations, to tell stories, to command, to utilize the present perfect to
express what they have done, to utilize the past progressive to express what they were
or was occurring at a time in the past, and to plan and share plans for the future using the subjunctive.

Honors Spanish I

STATE GOAL #28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language.

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety of

     purposes to different audiences.

STATE GOAL #29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of
customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to the

     target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

E. Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL #30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a variety of

    career options.


The students will be able to communicate in the Spanish language. The course is
conducted almost entirely in the Spanish language so comprehension is also achieved.
They learn how to express likes and dislikes, ask directions and tell of short experiences
with little difficulty. There is an extensive amount of vocabulary and grammar learned.
Writing exercises include dictations, short projects and oral presentations about family
and favorite past times. The students use Spanish to discuss weather and the geography
of the various Spanish Speaking countries. Students also discuss various careers in the countries and the social differences between the United States and the Spanish Countries.

Espanol II – Honors

STATE GOAL #28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting.

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language.

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for
a variety of purposes to different audiences.

STATE GOAL #29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of
customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

E. Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL #30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.


Only Spanish is spoken in the classroom and class participation is very important. The students can comprehend simple oral and audio presentations from various recordings. There are more oral role-playing activities, oral presentations and
an emphasis on comprehension. The history and geography, as well as many
customs, will be learned and discussed as we look at the differences between life
in the US and life in the Hispanic world

Espanol III – Honors

STATE GOAL #28: Use the target language to communicate within and
beyond the classroom setting.

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language.

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for
a variety of purposes to different audiences.

STATE GOAL #29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of
customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to
the target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

E. Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL #30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a
variety of career options.


Only Spanish is spoken in the classroom and class participation is very important. The students can comprehend simple oral and audio presentations from various recordings. There are more oral role-playing activities, oral presentations and
an emphasis on comprehension. The history and geography, as well as many
customs, will be learned and discussed as we look at the differences between life
in the US and life in the Hispanic world

Espanol IV – Honors

STATE GOAL #28: Use the target language to communicate within and beyond
the classroom setting.

A. Understand oral communication in the target language.

B. Interact in the target language in various settings.

C. Understand written passages in the target language.

D. Use the target language to present information, concepts and ideas for a variety of

     purposes to different audiences.

STATE GOAL #29: Use the target language to develop an understanding of
customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language.

A. Understand manners and customs of various target language societies.

B. Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama and architecture related to the

    target language societies.

C. Understand literature and various media of target language societies.

D. Understand history of areas where the target language is spoken.

E. Understand geography of various target language societies.

STATE GOAL #30: Use the target language to make connections and reinforce
knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines.

A. Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines.

B. Use the target language to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a variety
of career options.


There will be a study of idioms and a study of the Hispanic culture and geography through
a written and oral project of a country.   The students plan a trip that includes flight information as well as all the historical and geographical points that are included in their
travel to that particular Spanish Speaking Country.   A short novel will be read and discussed. Journals are kept and conversation is enhanced through dialogue, role-playing
and current event discussions. There will be detailed discussions about careers available to the Spanish speaking person, the advantages of knowing a second language. We will watch the daily news events in Spanish and have weekly discussions about them.