
The Guidance Department offers a wide variety of services including:  personal counseling, registration of classes, curriculum planning for students, career assessment, college selection, scholarship information and testing services.  It is our goal to equip students with positive approaches in decision-making and problem solving.  School counselors: For academic or scheduling questions students with the last name starting with A-D see Malinda Goodwin; E-K see Travis Grant; L-R see Jeaneen Bohanan; S-Z see Dana Smith. Social Worker: Melissa Stalter; Director of Student Services: Dr. Jennifer Jewell; Secretary: Amanda Nauman. 

To make it easier for you to request transcripts, MTHS has partnered with Parchment to provide secure online transcript ordering available 24/7.  For most colleges, this process is free.  If you request a transcript and it costs money, please feel free to contact Amanda Nauman ( and she will gladly send a hard copy via mail.  Test scores are NOT on the transcript; however, you can request a transcript with test scores.

Guidance Web Pages

Colleges Visiting MTHS: College reps visit during the lunch periods in the Commons. See Daily Announcements for full list of colleges visiting:

See below for campus virtual tours: