Project Lead the Way

Project Lead the Way

What is the Project Lead the Way Program all about?

The PLTW program has a number of courses that are designed around the following benchmarks:

  • To generate interest towards the technology based careers of the 21st century

  • Allow students to increase learning by applying knowledge from math and science classes to solve real world problems

You should take one of the PLTW courses if:

  • You enjoy being creative

  • You like to make tangible projects

  • You enjoy math and science

  • You enjoy working with technology

What types of students have been successful in PLTW classes?

  • Honors math and science students have found benefit through PLTW courses as they are challenged to apply principles from math and science.

  • Students who generally need to see application of math and science to increase understanding of these subjects have found success in PLTW classes.

Although many of the PLTW courses take an engineering perspective, you do not need to be a future engineer to take a PLTW course.  Many of the careers of the 21st century seek out the skills and knowledge developed through PLTW courses such as:

  • Problem solving

  • Creative thinking

  • Using math & science to solve practical problems

  • Developing technology
    Working in teams

Project Lead The Way at Metamora High School